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© Adrien Tirtiaux
12 January 2019
After Things Design Themselves (2013), Space is Time (2014) and Collective Rules (2015), Urban Matters is the fourth book in Adrien Tirtiaux’ publication series.
Urban Matters is structured in 4 chapters, introduced by 4 block-shaped sculptures. One is cast in concrete, one is modeled in clay, one is carved into stone and one is assembled with wood. These basic ways of sculpting enter into dialog with interventions realized by the Belgian artist in urban spaces and institutions across Europe. Like in the former volumes, documents related to Tirtiaux' contextual projects come together to create a broader narrative.
Urban Matters is published by Mark Pezinger Verlag in collaboration with Middelheim Museum and Platform 0090, Antwerp. It has 64 pages like a Tintin-album, it is again wonderfully designed by Emmanuel Leroy and includes a nice text by Sara Weyns.

© Huseyin Umaysiz
Hüseyin Umaysiz & Layla Önlen
18 January 2019 and 25 January 2019
@ Casino CC, Houthalen-Helchteren
@ De Monty, Antwerp
"Hou vast! Laat los!" is a play where theatre and performance blend together. The text of the two monologues was taken from the book "Vrouwenverhalen" (Women’s Stories), written by Deniz Kaptan. |

© Alexander Semenov
22 Dec until 13 January 2019
@ wp Zimmer, Antwerp
In ‘Move 37’, Thomas Ryckewaert developped a lecture performance about phenomena that are beyond human imagination. With cosmologist Thomas Hertog he presents an unusual lecture performance on the radically weird.
They join on a trip through the dark, cool horror of the intelligent machine, the beauty of fading conventions on what is human at all, through time and space warped in black holes. |

© Katrin Kamrea
Meryem Bayram & Hans Demeulenaere
7 until 18 January 2019
@ Rosas Studio 5, Brussels
The point in space, the point in the plane, the point on the sheet. On the other hand, the point is the negation of that same space: a hole, a perforation.
From this concept of perforations, they started to collect and index very diverse objects with perforations based on their functionality, size, action, sculpturality, etc. in order to characterize each object.

© Begüm Erciyas |
Begüm Erciyas
10 until 27 January 2019
@ Pact Zollverein, Essen, Germany
The voice is surely an uncanny phenomenon. In the digital age it leaves us constantly in doubt, if a person or a non-person is speaking. In this immersive performance, doubt and conviction change roles in the blink of an eye. Spread out on a hilly landscape, audience engages in a conversation with something that is there and not there at the same time. An artificial voice functions as a mediator, a partner and a mirror to one's own.
While conversations are constructed word-by-word, impressions are shared, naps are taken, and time is passed, Pillow Talk is an invitation to reposition yourself in direct relation to the non-human. |