A trip way down South is like watching ghosts that pop- up from the swamps A thick green soup from which impossible creatures appear and disappear a toxic gumbo in which hunches and stories seem to hide. snapshots of “good ol' boys, southern belles, swamp people and voodoo queens”
The inspiration for this new creation comes from impressions and snaphots from a road trip to Georgia, Louisiana en Missisippi. No pure fiction, but rather raw documentary material filtered throught the mystifying lens of Stef Lernous and co. GHOST promises to be a long visual trip alongside wandering spirits and mysterious extracts from conversations, straight to the heart of the memory that hides in the deep south of the United States.
director Stef Lernous actors Kirsten Pieters, Tine Van den Wyngaert, Chiel van Berkel, Çağlar Yiğitoğullar music Kreng light and scenography Stef Lernous, Sven Van Kuijk production Abattoir Fermé coproduction Platform 0090, NONA, Vooruit