Onder mensen

Bart Lodewijks (NL 1972) makes large scale, linear chalk drawings in public and private spaces. The drawings can be found on building facades, in hospitals and offices, but also inside private homes and the surrounding streets. His distinct abstract drawings respond to the social context in which they are made. In his long-term projects, the artist documents the process in writing, photography, film and lectures. Images and texts come together in books, made together with art publisher Roma publications since 2004. Film documents are made in collaboration with filmmaker Griet Teck.


Among People / Bart Lodewijks 2025/26 aims to bring stories collected by drawing back to the communities where they originated through performative formats. First in this series of returns is Haren prison in Brussels where he draw in 2023/24 (see ebook: New Neighbours). Other communities include Flemish Houses (theatre festival), Yenikapi (fishing community in Istanbul), Watou (arts festival).


© Bart Lodewijks

Witloofstraat, Haren, Belgium, 2023 It will take over a year before the prisoners move in to the building, so in preparation for their arrival I start drawing in the street fronting the prison. I do the first drawing on what is popularly known as a ‘pig’s back’ in Flemish, an elongated, semi-circular concrete structure that acts as a wheel stop and sticks up some fifteen centimetres above a new parking space.