the object in sight

which seems simple

which seems as one

seems autonomous

which seems fixed

but, which, observed

starts to show its parts

and then in pieces

turns from here to there, jolted along

to be united in twinning, in outrageous pairings

(or remarkable or beautiful or comical)

in distant places

or loses itself on the spot, spangled object, in the light

excessive object


Henri Michaux & Roberto Matta, fragment uit Les quatre observateurs

(vertaald uit het Frans door Charles Penwarden)


For Playground, Charlotte Bouckaert creates THING, an installation in motion, a choreography of banal objects and a body, carried by a large table, as an arena of the imagination. For a moment they are there, then they slip away over the edge, disappear into nothingness. What are the contours life leaves behind: "It is the fate of things and of all that one can possess to be born of darkness to know an inexplicable and brief existence in little light." (Bart Verschaffel)

Charlotte Bouckaert is fascinated by still life in painting. By what is depicted, but much more so by how things are represented. In 16th-century still lifes, objects were imitated as reliably as possible; in the 20th century, they have become the starting points for plastic and conceptual experiments.

After 11 seconds, her most recent theatre performance that brings a photograph to life, Bouckaert makes everyday objects move and evolve. In order to challenge stillness and lifelessness and put looking as a conscious and animated action first.


concept Charlotte Bouckaert performer Marie De Corte artistic assistant Bart Van den Eynde music Nicolas Roseeuw technical execution Stan Wannet

production Platform 0090
coproduction Playground (STUK & M,Leuven), Perpodium
with the support of the Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government and the Flemish Community