an installation and silent Walk Piece by David Bergé
at Amado Art Space Seoul, as part of the duo-exhibition Summer Limited, Aug 22 - Sept 13.
curator: Enna Bae
Responding to the constitution of Amado Art Space, once existing out of several houses connected by a street, David Bergé in this installation dismantled the infrastructure for exhibitions and lit out the bare structure of the space. Gathered slices of materials todays street consists of, are integrated in the art space as to blur the boundaries between what is presented, what is already there and what is left open. Displaying the history and presence of the art space.
Throughout the exhibition, Bergé has been guiding four times a small group of people in silence for a silent Walk Piece through the area of Amado Art Space: a carefully composed itinerary around the gap that used to belong to the US-army and is now being transformed into a private development.
Corporeal and aware bodies, therefore less conditioned by standard time/space compression civilization brings forward, walked in silence through urban heat and moisture. They are guided by gestural language and non verbal signs, as to offer the condition for an autonomous and individual participation, cutting through the layers and textures the city exists of, while becoming part of a 70-minute experience.
The Walk Piece started and ended into this installation and people who took part in it, wrote their name on a certificate, here exhibited.
The duo-exhibition Summer Limited, curated by Enna Bae, also featuring works of Fay Shin, brings together two artists with a self-reflective and immersive attitude toward their initial mediums, painting and photography, and centralize their own body as a navigator of presence responding to the atmosphere especially weather in Shin’s works and the urban surroundings of specific sites in Bergé’s works.
with the support of
Arts Council Korea, Amado Art Space and Platform 0090.