time based editions - borderline visible

Time Based Editions is a series of books merging sound to paper and binding printed matter to time. An audio track, activated by a QR code on the book's first page, combines narration, sound, and instructions that guide you over a given time through a book. 
The series is directed by David Bergé and Ant Hampton, books are designed by Roland Brauchli. 


Borderline Visible (Lausanne - Izmir), 2023 by Ant Hampton

232 pp, 77 min


voice & sound, english version: Ant Hampton

for all other language versions: timebasededitions.com


book design: Roland Brauchli

copy editing and proofreading: Neil Bennun 

Music: Perila, Oren Ambarchi

Corridor Between Days (2022) - by Perila 

Fever, A Warm Poison; from the album In The Pendulum's Embrace (2007) - by Oren Ambarchi

Quixotism Parts 1 and 2; from the album Quixotism (2014) - by Oren Ambarchi


created with support from:

The Resonance Foundation (Los Angeles)

Bimeras (Istanbul / Berlin)

Théâtre Vidy (Lausanne)

research facilitated by Lita House of Production / Beykoz Kundura (Istanbul)

executive Financial Management: Platform 0090 (Antwerp)


Based on a project conceived with Rita Pauls

with thanks to Pieter Ampe, Giorgos Antoniou, Sae Bosco and Samos Volunteers, Yannick Christian, Hani Dunia, Effi & Amir, Tim Etchells, Katy Fallon, Martin Hampton, Britt Hatzius, Leo Kay, LAPS, Camille Louis, Eva Neklyaeva, Beyhan Onur, Anelka Tavares, Prodromos Tsinikoris, Giulia de Vecchi, Anny Y


Borderline Visible begins as a journey from Lausanne to Izmir in 2022 by two artist friends, one of whom experiences health problems half-way and has to stop. As the other continues towards Turkey, suddenly alone, the narration grows into a moving and troubled psychogeography as it shifts between ‘we’ and ‘I’, present and past, piecing-together value and meaning from the very human ruins of aspiration, history, and language.

Ant Hampton’s careful, at times miraculous process of reconnection gradually lights up a constellation: voices and earthquakes, the Sephardic diaspora, tourism and forced movement, breakdowns and dementia, the end of the Ottoman Empire, swifts and swallows, Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’ and an urgent insight into hidden atrocities at the edge of Europe being funded from its centre.


Borderline Visible (2023) is the first iteration in the Time Based Editions series.



ISBN 9789464772609


Book available on timebasededitions.com