liesbet hermans

Liesbet Hermans (1981, BE) holds a master degree in productdesign from Luca  School of Arts in Genk and Ravensbourne Design College in London. She graduated  with distinction for her research on the impact of body language on objects. After her  studies, she started a training in physical theatre in Madrid and attended several  (inter)national masterclasses in dance and theatre.


Her artistic practice breathes from a pioneering spirit. Her work combines a  fascination for box thinking with the need to test and subvert thinking patterns. In this  way, she recalls a state of being human that is vulnerable, doubting, connecting. By  disconnecting practices and concepts from their usual context, Hermans seduces both  spectator and collaborator to reconsider fixed beliefs and structures.


She made her debut with MUTE (2015), an intuitive workspace for performances and  improvisation without sound. This opened an ongoing investigation into the dynamics  of being together without words and the interaction that occurs between artist,  audience and a specific location. With NFAQ (2016), a performative installation in  the form of a contemporary confessional, the unspoken is given a place for random  passers-by in the city. During SILENT ACT (2018), she invites several people into a  self-made hair salon for a haircut without words.


With her recent work A DELUDED  STATE OF MIND (2024), an intimate walk in public space, she explores collective thought patterns and which impact they have on our lives. With this piece, she was selected in Powertalks during the theater festival in Ghent and received a grant for new theater work from Sabam for Culture.


She teaches performance art at PXL MAD - fine arts and is a guest lecturer in dance and movement at various colleges and cultural organizations in Flanders.