Let me sing you a story ..
A story
An I-Bex-
Will tell you a story
Will you chew it for I ?
For Bex ?
Will you chew them?
In The CUD, Sîpan Sezgin Tekin shares the story of a wild mountain goat, the I-BEX. Wild mountain goats symbolise independence and the identity-less individual. Tekin uses this image to explore the relationship between physical, biological conditions and identity.
The CUD bridges the gap between research presentation and lecture performance. The performance starts with a lecture on the anatomy of mountain goats and then tells the story of two goats that survive a genocide and settle in a modern city. There, they struggle with the loss of their essence and natural habitat. The mountain goat thus becomes a symbol of abstract freedom and the identity-less individual, resisting established norms of identity, border, nation, race, gender and colour. An attempt to challenge language, concepts and the politics they generate.
direction & concept & performance Sîpan Sezgin Tekin music & sound design Roleda Yunus Bilir Text İra Brand/Sîpan Sezgin Tekin dramaturgy Katja Hıemınga monumental costume installation Elif Korkmaz & Kultuurfabriek Beauty of Art choreography & movement Sassand Saghar Yaghmaı technician Robin Appels assistant Yusuf Bilir Documentary Felat Erkozan external eye Mesut Arslan
Production Sîpan Sezgin Tekin & Platform 0090
thanks to de Brakke Grond, Das Theatre, Andrea van der Kuil