Mala Kline (SLO/BE) is a dancer, choreographer and writer. She holds BA in comparative literature, MA in theater and PhD in philosophy. All her artistic and theoretical work is embedded in the practice of dreaming and in exploration of how images move people and the world. In her latest author-based choreographic works, such as Eden, Scores for Dreaming, Dream Hostel, Genesis, Genesis Remix, Bodhi, Songlines, she uses Saphire™ dream and imagery work to facilitate individual and communal dreaming in order to create singular worlds weaved from and generated through the language of our dreaming. Her work is a constant practice of presence, an ongoing return into the creative space where dreaming and the here and now, juxtaposed, continuously penetrate and inform each other. She tours with her work internationally and has been awarded with the Golden Bird Award, several Triton Awards and Ksenija Hribar Award for choreography among others.
Mala is a certified practitioner of Saphire™, which she uses when coaching artists, assisting art projects and researches, and which she teaches internationally, in diverse educational, research and production settings. Currently she is doing her post-doctoral research on the alternative concepts and potential uses of time at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy and within S:PAM research center in Gent. Her PhD into a book The Inoperative Theatres: Contemporary Performing Arts Between Ethics and Politics is coming out in 2017. In parallel, she is now working on her new tripartite project Song in collaboration with 0090.
‘Mala Kline’s performances are based on theoretical premises and in-depth research of the subject of performance. She is philosophically versed and intelligent artist who has an exceptional ability on stage of opening up ingenious images and spaces. Processing of archetypal themes and effects she has developed a unique staging approach, which is in its complexity capable of a wide range of astounding transformations on the thin edge between chaos and emotionally precise structure.’ (Ksenja Hribar Award)
© Matija Lukić