There are recurring lines in our everyday life that we embody, that we follow and that we relate to. Our body is a line waking up in bed, a line that moves in a space. Lines define the space we inhabit – our homes, schools, offices, streets, our cities and our countries. They define how we relate to each other. By intercepting with the unknown and unexpected, our lines are being negotiated. Spaces are opening and closing, sometimes gently and sometimes violently intruding our senses and our bodies. New relations are being redrawn.
The Image Generator III brings together seven organizations from Antwerp, offering a programme that crosses the border between visual arts, performance and sound. Artistic interventions, performances and actions in the city of Antwerp, inviting you to follow the proposed route or temporarily inhabit new places, while redrawing your daily routine during these three days in September 2020.
Participating artists
Anastasiya Iardaneska, Bart Lodewijks, Benjamin Vandewalle, Christian Bakalov, Collectief Publiek Geluid, Davide Tidoni, Dilek Winchester, Emma Van Den Broek, Gaëtan Rusquet, Gwendoline Robin, Karl Van Welden, Karolina Freino, Karolina Halatek, Marc Vanrunxt (ism. Bahar Temiz, Jan Martens, Igor Shyshko, Els Mondelaars, Paul Verrept, Bart Van Dessel), Pol Matthé, Salomé Mooij, Sarah Smolders, Simon Van Schuylenbergh, Vanessa Mayoraz, Yi Zhang
The Image Generator was initiated in 2015 by Platform 0090, Extra City Kunsthal, Lokaal 01 and Kunst/Werk,. The dynamic programme explores borders between visual arts, performance and sound through a collaboration with international artists and cultural institutions.
The Image Generator III is supported by the City of Antwerp and the Flemish Community.
Many thanks to Stormkop, Royal Academie of Fine Arts Antwerp – In Situ3, Site Bar Paniek/Tuning People, Studio Katleen Vinck
* The name of the festival is borrowed from the artist Rebecca Baron
* Text by Meryem Bayram & Dušica Dražić