Organised by Platform 0090, Kunsthal Extra City, Kunst/Werk, MORPHO, GRIP, Nona, SoAp, C-TAKT, Moussem
With following artists: Anna Raimondo - Ant Hampton / Time Based Editions - David Bernstein - DJ Bayny - Erik Bogaerts - Ergin Çavuşoğlu - Evelien Cammaert & Joris Perdieus - Femke Gyselinck - Jan Martens - Kinga Jaczewska - Marc Vanrunxt & Kevin Fay - Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Niko Hendrickx - Paulien Oltheten - Raphael Malfliet & Maarten Buyl - Rebecca Lenaerts - Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat
The Image Generator is a site-specific two-day happening that explores the interplay between visual art, sound art and performance. The sixth edition welcomes twenty artists and nine organizations to take over the exhibitions and spaces of Kunsthal Extra City and MORPHO. Prepare for a vibrant live encounter with interactive installations, performative interventions, video works, contemporary dance, collective readings and soundscapes. All set in a former Dominican monastery in the heart of Antwerp, Belgium.
The Image Generator aims to provide a fertile ground for new and pioneering art forms, but also stimulates a more direct and reciprocal exchange between audience, artist and environment. We believe that within this interaction a huge potential for new images and perspectives can emerge, leading to a sensorial dialogue and a way to share our most fleeting intuitions.
We invite you to come and generate your own imagination.
More info & full programme:
The Image Generator was initiated in 2015 by Platform 0090, Kunsthal Extra City, Lokaal 01 and Kunst/Werk, who shared the same building in Antwerp, Belgium. From this year onwards we ‘imagenerate’ together with additional partners who each bring their own ideas to the table. This non-hierarchical initiative was inspired by the short film Detour de force (2014), a fascinating video portrait by Rebecca Baron on ‘thoughtographer’ Ted Serios, who caused a sensation in the sixties with his alleged psychic ability to produce hundreds of Polaroid images from his mind.
With the generous support of Vlaanderen, Stad Antwerpen, District Antwerpen, Nationale Loterij & SD Worx
17.00 - 24.00
Ant Hampton - Borderline Visible
David Bernstein
Niko Hendrickx - Uitslapen met de slapers
Anna Raimondo - Encouragements, 2014
Rebecca Lenaerts - Birth
Nick Steur - Orbit
FRIDAY 29/09/23
17.30 - 17.50 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
17.50 - 19.20 Rebecca Lenaerts - Birdwoman
18.00 - 18.20 Marc Vanrunxt / Kevin Faye - Forever’s gonna start tonight
18.30 - 18.50 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
18.30 - 19.40 Paulien Oltheten - Lourdes TV
18.30 - 19.40 Ant Hampton - Borderline Visible
19.00 - 22.10 Jan Martens - ON GOING
19.30 - 24.00 Ergin Çavuşoğlu - Desire Lines /Tarot & Chess/
19.40 - 20.00 Marc Vanrunxt / Kevin Fay - Forever’s gonna start tonight
19.50 - 20.00 David Bernstein
20.00 - 20.20 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
20.00 - 23.00 Evelien Cammert & Joris Perdieus - Grammatica
20.30 - 20.50 Ergin Çavuşoğlu - Desire Lines /Tarot & Chess/ - artist talk
20.30 - 20.50 Kinga Jaczewska / Anne-Lene No & Maisie Woodford - Dry Dances
21.00 - 22.10 Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat Measuring - Narrative with Water
22.10 - 23.00 Erik Bogaerts
23.10 - 23.30 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
SATURDAY 30/09/23
17.30 - 17.50 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
17.50 - 19.20 Rebecca Lenaerts - Birdwoman
18.00 - 18.20 Femke Gyselinck - ERATO
18.00 - 18.20 Marc Vanrunxt / Kevin Faye Forever’s - Forever’s gonna start tonight
18.30 - 18.50 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
18.30 - 19.40 Ant Hampton - Borderline Visible
19.00 - 19.20 Femke Gyselinck - ERATO
19.30 - 19.50 David Bernstein
19.50 - 22.00 Evelien Cammert & Joris Perdieus - Grammatica
20.00 - 20.20 Marc Vanrunxt / Kevin Faye - Forever’s gonna start tonight
20.00 - 24.00 Ergin Çavuşoğlu - Desire Lines /Tarot & Chess/
20.00 - 20.20 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
20.30 - 20.50 Kinga Jaczewska / Anne-Lene No & Maisie Woodford - Dry Dances
21.00 - 21.50 Rafael Malfliet & Maarten Buyl - Governors
21.50 - 22.10 Nick Steur & Nathaniel Moore - Orbit - activation of the installation
22.00 - 00.00 DJ Bayny