Since 2001 Bart Lodewijks (NL 1972) makes large scale, linear chalk drawings in public and private spaces. The drawings can be found on building facades, in hospitals and offices, but also inside private homes and the surrounding streets. His distinct abstract drawings respond to the social context in which they are made.
In his long-term projects, the artist documents the process in writing, photography and film. Images and texts come together in books, made together with art publisher ROMA publications; an essay was published in the Mondriaan Fund essay series. Film documents are made in collaboration with filmmaker Griet Teck. Recently, Lodewijks has also incorporated these different media in theatrical performances, in collaboration with Griet Teck and Tom Van Imschoot as dramaturge.
The Dutch Government Architect and the Flemish cities of Ronse, Genk, Ghent and Brussels have commissioned long-term projects. Emergent galerie (Veurne, Belgium) commissioned drawings in private homes. Lodewijks worked with S.M.A.K. - Ghent (TRACK 2012, Kathmandu Triennnale 2016), Capacete - Rio de Janeiro (2010, 2013), The Model Sligo - Ireland (2013-2016), Whitechapel Gallery - London (2014-2015), BOZAR - Brussels (2016), MMCA Seoul (2016), Calcutta Art & Research Foundation India (2018), KAAP Brugge, Belgium (2019-2021), OCMW Merelbeke, Belgium (2020), Noordereiland Rotterdam, Murals Inc, NL (2020-21), Kinderdagverblijf Bambino/Vlaamse gemeenschap, Belgium (2021), Art festival Watou, Belgium (2021)
Sunday 26 May 2024 at 11u
S.M.A.K., Jan Hoetplein 1, Gent
Bart Lodewijks - book presentation NIEUWE BUREN
Chalk drawings in and around a new prison in Brussels
& film clips ‘Witloofstraat’ by filmmaker Griet Teck
On Sunday 26 May 2024 Bart Lodewijks presents NIEUWE BUREN, a story about chalk drawings he makes in and around the country's newest prison. At the time he arrives there, there is only a construction site. He makes the first drawings in Witloofstraat, where the prison is also located. Soon, he finds himself dealing with house cleaner Jean-Pierre, parcel delivery man Fred, his 12-year-old daughter Laurence and a red cat living in the bushes. The residents look forward to the arrival of twelve hundred inmates, new neighbours they will never get to know. Fourteen months later, the future residents arrive in vans with armoured glass. Bart goes in with the first batch. It is a beautiful summer afternoon, nowhere does he see razor barbed wire or live cables. He cannot wait to mean the most dreaded wall, the wall of walls. Break down the divide between good and evil.
11:00: welcome by Philippe van Cauteren
11:30: book presentation by Bart Lodewijks / film excerpts ‘Witloofstraat’
12:00: Q&A session
12.45: signing session
Publicatie: Nieuwe buren
Roma Publications nr 466, 112p, kleur, Nederlands / Engels, €25
Dit project werd mogelijk gemaakt door: Gevangenis Haren, Brussel - en Quasi Museum.
Bij de boekpresentatie zijn verschillende publicaties van Bart Lodewijks te koop. Bij aankoop van drie publicaties krijgt u één exemplaar gratis.