


In a desolate, dark inferno, based on Dante’s Divine Comedy, faceless individuals wander around. In this world, it’s not always clear with what intention an action from one to another departs. In a play of perception and interpretation, the audience is engulfed in the harsh land of creatures performing a dance of despair, beyond what makes them human.


SCAPEGOAT is a theater performance by Belgian theater maker Ferenc Balcaen, in which he explores the changing boundary between pain, love and eroticism. He uses the vocal identity of the performers in an idiosyncratic, inspired by a wide range of auditory sources, from Gregorian chants to contemporary vocal techniques. In a soundscape based on Liszt’s Dante Sonata/Fantasia Quasi Sonata, SCAPEGOAT encourages the audience to think deeper about the relationship between image, sound an intention.


concept/creation Ferenc Balcaen play/creation Pepijn Vandelanotte, Marie-Christine Verheyen, Ellen Sterckx, Ferre Vuye dramaturgy Mesut Arslan scenography Lars Uten sound design Rint Mennes light design Max Adams costume design Louis Verlinde movement coach Georgina Teunissen music dramaturgy & voice coach Pieter De Praetere production Ferenc Balcaen & Muziektheater Transparant coproduction Platform 0090, deSingel, C-Takt, STUK & PerPodium with the support of BUDA, Needcompany, De Maan & Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government, the Flemish Community